Friday, June 20, 2008

A Lethal Combination

Dear Sachi,
Thank you for sending me your newest dress Samantha. Yes, I know, I know what you’re thinking “don’t thank me Cherie, just wear it”. Not sure I can do that actually. Well, let me explain. I wore your new dress today. Yep, perfect color of gold that it was. I paired it up with some new skin, by Damiani called Gabrielle, Bax Coen’s new ankle boots, Mej & Mau’s new hair and left off the jewelry because the dress is just stunningly gorgeous without it.

Anyways… so I proceeded to go shopping wearing your new dress when I noticed I was being followed around by several guys on the same shopping sim.

Quickly I looked around to see if the back of my skirt was stuck inside my panties or something but no, your dress was just fine. Gorgeous as always and flawlessly perfect as is your usual and customary way. I checked my makeup in my compact and as always the skin by Pompeja Rossini was as flawless as your dress. No, nothing seemed out of place or out of the ordinary.

So I thought well I’ll just tp off this sim and onto another and guess what? That’s right... not long after arrival another group of guys were following me around!! Finally I decided to tp to the safety of my own home where before long my partner arrived.

He’s staring at me… and I ask. What is going on today?? First the stalkers and now you! Do I have something stuck in my teeth? A sign on my back?

No he says... it’s just your look today. It’s perfect. The skin, the hair, the dress, they’re perfect! Sigh… *EDITED FOR CONTENT* *SHORT COMMERCIAL BREAK*

Anyway Sachi, thanks again for the dress… however I’m not sure I’ll be wearing it outside the house much anymore even though it is perfect and I love it, I just can’t handle the stalkers it seems to attract.

Must be that slit up the front of the skirt that drives the guys crazy, shows a lot of Damiani’s new skin.

As always keep up the good work and thanks for thinking of me.

Best Regards,
Cherie Parker

Samantha comes in six different colors and sells for $500 with two skirt combinations
Damiani skin- Gabrielle sells for $1500 for two makeups and $7500 for the fatpack

Adam and Eve -
Damiani- Plush Micron (194, 101, 24)


Anonymous said...

OMG are HAWT... drools on your hair...*slurps*

Anonymous said...

You have got a beautiful dress.

Sugarr said...

adorable posting!